A year ago, Food Systems Lab ran a social innovation lab workshop to play with ideas on tangible actions that could systemically reduce food waste in Toronto. One of the ideas was bringing food waste into the classroom curriculum. Within a year, this idea went from being merely a concept to a full-scale field test with an elementary school in Toronto, thanks to connections that we have made at various Food Systems Lab events this past year.
Last week, our very own Kelsey Carriere tested a few of our lesson plan ideas with some eager middle school students. Here’s what she had to say:
“Today was marvelous. We talked about the food system and the connection of food waste to climate change, then played food knowledge of logos and seed (awesome idea!), met the worms, then cooked a meal out of seeming garbage – wilted veg stir-fry, broccoli stock fritters, and forlorn fruit compote with crepes. Kids loved it and the worms have a home at their early-years centre which does a regular weekly cooking program.”